TEST, VBCBI, 11-12-2016
Teacher: Russell Earl Kelly, PHD
1. 1:3 Why did Jesus come as a man?
2. 1:4 Why did Jesus come as Deity?
3. 1:16 After Calvary, why must the gospel go to the Jews first?
4. 1:17 As a lawyer, what other word does Paul equate with “righteousness”?
5. 1:17 After introducing “the just shall live by faith,” where does Paul begin to explain those words?
6. From 1:18 through 3:20 Paul explains why the heathen, hypocrites and Jews are guilty and deserve wrath. Why are the heathen and hypocrites guilty from 1:18 to 2:16?
7. 1:24-28 After deliberately disobeying God, God “gave them up” and “gave them over” to commit acts against nature itself. In which verses are found homosexuality?
8. 2:1-16 Who is the moralist-hypocrite and why is he guilty before God?
9. 2:17 to 3:10 Why is the Jew guilty and deserving of wrath?
10: 2:25-29 Why do these verses NOT teach that believing Gentiles are spiritual Jews and spiritual Israel is the church?
11. 3:1-9 Why is God not a respecter of person when giving special revelation to Israel?
12. 3:10-18 These verses apply to both Jew and Gentile (all humanity). How is the word “law” (from 3:19-20) applied in 3:10-18?
13. 3:19-20 Whether under the “law” principle of nature and conscience or THE explicit direct revealed will of God –who is guilty and deserves the wrath of God?
14. 3:21 Which two words indicate a change of direction in the epistle?
15. 3:21-24 What Wilmington statement has been repeated 3 times in class by Pastor Chapman concerning the action of the judge who condemns sinners?
16. 3:21-24 Which two things must a righteous and just God do in order to justify His own holiness or character?
17. 3:25-26 (Heb 9:15) Which pre-Calvary daily act of God through priests casts doubt on His holiness (just-ness and righteousness)?
18. 3:25-26 What did God have to do before He could be the justifier of him which believes in Jesus?
19. 3:27 Which principle supersedes the law of sin and death? Compare Romans 8:3.
20. 3:31 How does faith establish (the) law principle?
21. 4 all Which two witnesses of imputed righteousness attained by faith in Jesus Christ alone (apart from works of the law) testify in Romans 4.
22. 5:1 What is the assurance that every truly-born again Christian has?
23. 5:1-2 Which O.T. event did Dr. Kelly compare “access,” “stand” and “glory” to? Compare Heb 4:16 also.
24. 5:10-19 If these were our only inspired Bible texts, what would they appear to teach?
25. 3:21 to 5:19 Which two words with the same root disprove universalism?
1. Ans: Man had sinned; only a sinless man could repair the breach.
2. Ans: Sin violated the character of God; only one equal to the violated character could repair the breach.
3. Ans: The Jews will never lose their priority before God. Calvary did not end God’s unconditional promises to Israel.
4. Ans: justification
5. Ans: 3:21 through chapter 5
6. Ans: They have sinned against the “law” –“the revealed will of God” clearly seen in nature and conscience (1:18-20; 2:14-16).
7. Ans 1:24, 26, 27
8. Ans: He is self-righteous and is guilty for the same reason as the heathen –sins against nature and conscience per 2:14-16.
9. Ans: The Jew has sinned against the direct revelation of God (THE LAW) which he habitually breaks.
10. Ans: They are NOT addressed to Gentiles. All believers are spiritual children of Abraham, but are not called spiritual Jews. Among Jews, only believing Jews are spiritual Jews.
11. Ans: With special revelation comes much more accountability for what God has revealed.
12. Ans: In Romans 3:10-18 “law” is “God’s revealed will.” Here, to the Jew it includes Isaiah and Psalms –the entire Old Testament.
13. Ans: All are guilty and deserve the wrath of God from 1:18.
14. Ans: “But now”
15. Ans: The same judge who condemns all as sinners deserving His wrath personally suffers His own wrath in order to redeem sinners.
16. Ans: (1) He must punish sin and (2) He must be merciful and forgive sinners who come to Him by faith in Jesus Christ.
17. Ans: Forgiving sins which had not been paid for (in the eyes of Satan and man). Consider Revelation 13:8.
18. Ans: He had to first declare Himself to be just in forgiving sins committed before Calvary. Calvary allowed that to happen.
19. Ans: The law (or principle) of faith which works through love. Compare Romans 3:27; 8:2-3.
20. Ans: The fact that man can only be saved by grace through faith in the redemption (imputed righteousness) of Jesus Christ proves that he could not be saved through law which could only condemn.
21. Ans: Abraham, while he was still Abram, an uncircumcised Babylonian-Gentle and King David who boasted of imputed righteousness apart from law.
22. Ans: He has peace with God and has no worry of not being saved.
23. Ans: Leviticus 16, the Day of Atonement, when the High Priest entered into the Most Holy Place into the Presence of God.
24. Ans: Universalism; God will eventually save everybody, including Satan and the fallen angels.
25. Ans: “Believe” and “faith” occur 24 times from 3:22 to 5:1.
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1. Spiritual baptism occurs at the moment ___________________________________________.
2. During the baptism of Noah’s time and the Read Sea, the believers _____________________.
3. Water baptism is an _______________ profession of a _______________ inner regeneration. Mt 10:32-33.
4. 6:1-2 Sins committed after justification cause us to fall from _____________________________.
5. 6:3 POSITIONAL baptism means that we have died, been buried and have been resurrected __________________________________________.
6. The word “buried” is stronger than the word ____________________.
7. 6:4-5 Baptized believers should walk in _______________ of life.
8. 6:7 Death _____________ all obligations. (W p345)
9. 6:11 Reckon, reason (logical); have faith in the _______________. (W p346)
10. 6:13 The key to being “filed with the Spirit is _______________ to its control.
11. 6:16 Those who are positionally justified in Christ and (practically) yield to Satan are _________.
12. 6:22 #11 is true because (act like it or not) true believers are __________ from sin. (See #4)
13. 6:23 Carnal Christians have already received the __________ of eternallife and will be severely disciplined as God’s _______________. Heb. 12:6-8
14. 7 Since Chapter 7 follows 3-5 (justification, Chapter 6 (profession of faith) and Chapter 8 (sanctification), Dr. Kelly thinks Chapter 7 deals with Paul’s decision to drop the _____________ entirely as the means of _______________.
15. 7:1-6 (W p346) THE LOST MAN; The law can only tell those who have not _____________ in Christ what to do.
16. 7:4-6 THE SPIRITUAL MAN; Believers are ______________ to the law in order to ____________ Christ and obey Him.
17. 7:7-13 THE NATURAL MAN; The law was essential ____________ Paul was _____________. (W p346)
18. 7:14-25 CHRISTIANS have __________ natures trying to tell them what to do.
19. 7:16, 21, 25 “Law” refers to a guiding _______________,
20. 7:24 Rather than grow spiritually by serving the ______________ of law, Paul decided to serve the _______________, that is _______________.
21. 8:1 those who are __________ Christ, (______________), have __________ __________ speck of contrary judgment (condemnation) against them.
22. 8:2 the O.T. and the “law of nature and conscience” (romans 2:14-16) have been replaced by the “law of love” which is ____________________________________________________________.
23. 8:5-8 Which pronouns in v5 and v8 indicate 2 groups? ______________ and _______________.
Mr. Kelly—Need to check the answers to #23. Both v5 and v8 only have one pronoun—They. V9 has pronouns—ye, you, and he—and possessive pronoun—his.
24. What is “Lordship salvation?”
25. 8:15-17 The indwelling Spirit is evidence that the souls of believers have already been _________________ into the family of God.
26. 8:26-27 Our weakest prayers enter into the presence of God because the _______________ _______________ for us.
27. 8:28-29 God predetermined (or predestinated) that _____________________________________ will be the elected (chosen).
28. 8:30 the elect cannot fall from grace because they have already been called, justified and ____________________________.
29. 8:31 True believers cannot fall from grace because God is ________ ________.
30. 8:32-38 _____________________________ can separate true believers from the love of God.
1. What do Adam, Isaac, Jacob, Samson, Samuel, David, David’s seed, Isaiah, John the Baptist and Paul have in common?
2. It is God’s will that all should be saved and he initiates the salvation process by sending ____________ (Eph 2:8)
3. Man’s response to the Holy Spirit’s calling is called _______________ election.
4. Romans 9:1-5 anticipates the objection by Hebrews, “Since God chose Israel by _______________ election, why has it been rejected?”
5. (9:6-19) Ishmael, Jacob instead of Esau and Moses instead of Pharaoh are examples that God’s elect will never be ______________.
6. (9:20-29) Which attribute of God overwhelms his created being who wants to challenge him (as Job did)? _____________________ _____ ___________.
7. (9:30) “Righteousness _____ ______________ refers to the perfect sinless righteousness of Jesus Christ __________ to the believer.
8. (9:31) “Righteousness by law” refers to the perfect sinless obedience to the law which is ___________________ by the believer.
9. (9:33) Which word in Verse 9:33 and 10:4 destroys the claim by Calvinists that salvation is a choice made totally apart from free will? _______________________
10. Romans 10:6-9) is a direct quotation of Deuteronomy 30:11-14. Which OT word does “Christ” replace from Deuteronomy 30: 10-11? ________________________
11. (10:9-13) Present-day Israel (the context of Chapter 10) can be saved exactly like present-day Greeks by believing in the ___________________ of Jesus Christ and by publicly _________________ that faith.
12. (9:14) A Hebrew is not automatically saved because a ___________________ is required.
13. (9:15) Preachers have _________________________ ___________.
14. (11:2) The purpose of Romans 11 is to assure Hebrew Christians that God has not ____________ ______________ whom He elected.
15. (11:1) Paul’s evidence that Israel has not been rejected is _______________ (11:1), ____________ (11:2-4) and the _______________ _______________ _____ ______________ (11:5-7).
16. (11:11, 14, 15a) The (temporary rejection of Israel as God’s chosen people has resulted in the ___________________ of the Gentiles to provoke Israel to __________________.
17. (11:12, 15b-16) God’s original plan for Israel’s fullness was that Israel would _____________ its Messiah and preach His gospel to the ___________________.
18. (11:17-24) Because of their rich heritage, it should be easier for a __________________ to accept Christ than for a __________________.
19. (11:25) When do your teachers think the “fullness of the Gentiles” will occur? Acts 15:14 ____________________________________________________________________________.
20. (11:29) Does God ever remove his special gifts and special calling? ______________________.
21. Romans 12:1-2 is a giant billboard to all Christians to be _____ _______________ and ____________________ __________.
22. Romans 12:1-7 is the New Testament equivalent of ____________________. It is the everyday application of the ___________________.
23. Romans 13 discusses the Christian’s relationship to ___________________ __________ (13:1-7) and ____________________ (13:8-14).
24. (13:1) Even Emperor Nero is ___________________ of God (13:1) and a _______________ of God (13:4,6)
25. (13:8-14) Loving one another and our neighbors is called ___________________ _____ the Lord Jesus Christ (13:14).
26. Romans 14 tells us how to treat ______________ Christians (14:1).
27. __________ (14:2-4) and holy ______________ (14:5-6) were special problems as Jews and Gentiles had drastic opposing views.
28. (15:25, 28) Paul planned to go to ______________.
29. Romans 16 is a list of Paul’s __________________.
Romans 9-16 Answers
1. special election
2. faith
3. general
4. (special)
5. Lost; unsaved; rejected
6. Sovereignty; transcendence
7. By faith; imputed
8. Un-attainable
9. Believeth
10. Commandment
11. Resurrection; confessing
12. Preacher
13. Beautiful feet
14. Cast away
15. Himself, 7000 of Elijah’s time; remenant of Hebrew Christians
16. Salvation, jealousy
17. Accept, Gentiles
18. Hebrew (Jew, Gentile
19. Rapture of the Church
20. No
21. Living sacrifices; physically fit
22. Proverbs; gospel
23. Political rulers; all society
24. Ordained; minister
25. Putting on
26. (spiritually) weak
27. diet; days
28. Spain
29. friends