2nd year, 2nd semester; Russell Earl Kelly
VBCBI, Victory Baptist Church Bible Institute
1. 11:1 Is faith as real as tangible objects?
2. 11:2 Was any Old Testament hero saved by works? Also Titus 2:11
3. 11:3 Can God create something out of nothing?
4. 11:6 In order to qualify to be saved, one must ____________________________ and __________________________________.
5. 11:39 Did any Old Testament saint receive any of the land promised them by God? _____
6. 12:1 Where are these Old Testament saints and what are they doing now? ___________
7. 12:2 Why did Jesus endure the cross?
8. 12:5-8 How does God deal with willfully disobedient children? _______________
9. 12:17 Why did God not forgive Esau? See 10:26 ____________________________
10. 12:24 Believers are already spiritually ______________________________
11. 12:28 Knowing that God is definitely disciplines disobedient believers, we should serve Him ________________________________
12. 13:2 Why should we be cautious when entertaining strangers? _________________
13. 13:4 Sex outside of marriage is in a ________ _______.
14. 13:5 Why is covetousness mentioned so often in the New Tesatment? ________________ __________________
15. 13:7 Who was probably the Roman Emperor at this time? __________
16. 13:8 What does this mean?
17. 13:9 Re-word this.
18. 13:10-14 What does “without the camp” refer to?
19. 13:15-16 Which New Covenant sacrifices are named?
20. 13:17 Who is this referring to?
21. 13:18-19 Do you detect a problem here?
1. 11:1 yes
2. 11:2 no
3. 11:3 yes; Einstein’s theory proved it
4. 11:6 (1) believe that God exists and (2) believe that God rewards those who diligently seek Him
5. 11:39 no
6. 12:1 they are in heaven watching us
7. 12:2 for the joy (of seeing those He redeemed)
8. 12:5-8 he punishes the believer
9. 12:17 he sinned willfully
10. 12:24 in heaven with Christ (Col 3:1-3)
11. 12:28 acceptably with reverence and godly fear
12. 13:2 they could be angels
13. 13:4 defiled bed
14. 13:5 it the most common sin (Rom 7:7)
15. 13:7 Nero; pray for him
16. 13:8 His character does not change
17. 13:9 Do not be drawn into false doctrines by those who offer free food.
18. 13:10-14 Jesus died for all mankind (not only the Hebrews).
19. 13:15-16 thanks (praise), good works, communication (sharing)
20. 13:17 spiritual leaders
21. 13:18-19 The Jerusalem church later rejected Paul as a false prophet and became extremely legalistic for centuries. See Ebionites and Elkiasites.