1. RAPTURE: Meets believers in the air. 1 Thes 4:15-17; Acts 1:9-11
1. SECOND COMING: Meets Israel on earth, Zech 14:4-5; Rev 19.
2. RAPTURE: Christ does not touch earth. Acts 1:11
2. SECOND COMING: Christ comes to stay for 1000 years. Rev 20; Mal 3:2-
3. RAPTURE: For the church. 1 Thes 4:15-17; 1 Cor 15:51-55
3. SECOND COMING: For Israel and tribulation saints. Rev 19; Mal 3:2-4
4. RAPTURE: To keep promises to the church. Jn 14:1-3
4. SECOND COMING: To keep promises to Israel through OT prophets.
5. RAPTURE: “With” souls of saints to get bodies. 1 Thess 4:14-18
5. SECOND COMING: "With: saints and angelic armies. Rev 19
6. RAPTURE: “Church” an O.T. “mystery” Rom 16:25; Eph 5:32
6. SECOND COMING: Natural Israel not a mystery; always God's nation.
7. RAPTURE: Kept from final wrath of great tribulation. 1 Thes 1:10; Rev 3:10
7. SECOND COMING: Except for the 144,000 suffer the great tribulation. Rev 6-18
8. RAPTURE: IMMINENT: At any time: no prophecy yet to be fulfilled.
8. SECOND COMING: After last day apostasy, revelation of antichrist, and many prophecies fulfilled. Eze 36:31-33