Genesis to 800 BC+-
800 to 625 BC
BABYLON: 625-539 BC
Dan 2:32, 37-38 Head of Gold
Dan 7:3-4, 17 Lion
PERSIA: 550-330
Dan 2:32, 39 Breast & Arms of Silver
Dan 7:5 Bear with 3 ribs in mouth
Dan 8:3, 20 Ram with 2 horns
Dan 9:24a: 70 weeks concern national Israel
Dan 9:24b: 70 weeks end at Second Coming
Dan 9:25a 70 weeks begin: decree to rebuild walls & city (Neh 2)
GREECE: 336-146 BC
Dan 2:32, 39 Abdomen of Bronze
Dan 7:6 Leopard; 4 wings; 4 heads
Dan 8:5, 8, 21 Goat-1 horn
Dan 8:9 4 horns: Egypt, Syria, Macedonia, Greece
Dan 8:10 little horn-Antiochus persecutes
Dan 8:11-12 Antiochus desolates Temple; 168 BC
Dan 8:14 Temple restored 165 BC
Dan 2:33, 40 Legs of Iron; AD 30 peak of power
Dan 7:7a, 23 ?Dragon with Iron Teeth
Dan 9:26a Messiah is cut off at end of the 69th week; AD 30
…………….. 40 year gap between AD30 and AD70
Dan 9:26b AD70 Temple destroyed
AD476 W Rome falls: AD1453 E Rome falls
DIVIDED ROME……2000 year gap; Israel not
Dan 2:41-43 10 kingdoms
Dan 7:7b 10 kingdoms
Dan 7:8a AD476/1453 pagan Rome is divided
The gap is also seen in Isaiah 61:1-2a and 2b and in scores of unconditional promises about the doctrine of the remnant (Deu 30).
RAPTURE OF CHURCH; 1 Thes 4:13-17; 1 Cor 15:51-55; Rev 4:1
ANTICHRIST: 7 years; 70th week of Daniel 9:27
Matt 24:15 Antiochus a type of last day Antichrist; Dan 8:25-26
Dan 9:27a 70th week begins; Temple is rebuild; Rev 11
Antichrist makes 7 year covenant with Israel; Rev 11:2-3; 3 1/2 years
Rev 6-11 1st half of Daniel 9:27’s 70th week
Dan 9:27b After 3 1/2 years Antichrist breaks covenant
Rev 12-18 Great Tribulation last half of 70th week; 3 1/2 years
Dan 9: 27c Vision consummated; 2nd 3 1/2 years with SC per 9:24b
Dan 2:44 Second Coming during time of divided Rome
Dan 7:9-11, 14 Second Coming judgment against little horn and allies
Dan 9:24 everlasting righteousness brought in
Rev 19; Second Coming in glory with saints for Israel
Rev 20 Millennial Kingdom on Earth;
Great White Throne Judgment for unbelievers
Rev 21-22 eternity; new earth
Dan 9:24a: 70 weeks concern national Israel
Dan 9:24b: 70 weeks end at Second Coming
Dan 9:25a 70 weeks begin with a decree to rebuild the walls and city of Jerusalem (Neh 2)
Dan 9:26a Messiah is cut off at end of the 69th week
…………….. 40 year gap between AD30 and AD70
Dan 9:26b AD70 Temple destroyed
………………2000 year gap; Israel is not a nation
Dan 9:27a Antichrist makes 7 year covenant with Israel
Dan 9:27b After 3 1/2 years Antichrist breaks covenant
Dan 9: 27c Vision is consummated after second 3 1/2 years with Second Coming per 9:24b
Daniel 2:40 AD30 Rome is at its peak of power
Dan 2:40-41 Church Age at peak of pagan Rome
Dan 2:41-44
…………..… of 2000 years Rome divided;
AD476 W Rome falls: AD1453 E Rome falls
Dan 2:44 Second Coming during time of divided Rome
Daniel 7:7a AD30: pagan Rome at its peak
Dan 7:8a AD476/1453 pagan Rome is divided
Dan 7:8b little horn arises during time of divided Rome
Dan 7:9-11, 14 Second Coming is judgment against the little horn and its allies
Dan 7:14 Kingdom established on earth
Daniel 8 Antiochus a type of little horns
Dan 8:8a Alexander the Great; Greek big horn
Dan 8:8b Alexander’s kingdom becomes four
Dan 8:9-12 Antiochus Epiphanes from Syrian horn
8:9 Antiochus persecuted Judea
8:10 Antiochus killed Jews
8:11 Antiochus defiled the Temple
8:12 Antiochus offer a pig on the altar
Dan 8:13 Question? How long will this last?
Dan 8:14 2300 sacrificial evenings and mornings BC 171-165 (2300 days) or (1150 cycles)
Dan 8:25-26; Matthew 24:15
Antiochus is a type of the last-day Antichrist
The gap is also evident in Isaiah 61:1-2a and 2b and in scores of unconditional promises about the doctrine of the remnant (Deu 30).
Dan 9:26a 69th week ends: Messiah is cut off
…………….. 40 year gap between AD30 and AD70
Dan 9:26b AD70 Temple destroyed
………………CHURCH AGE: 2ooo year gap; Israel is not a nation
………………RAPTURE OF CHURCH; 1 Thes 4:13-17; 1 Cor 15:51-55; Rev 4:1
Dan 9:27a 70th week begins; Temple is rebuild; Rev 11
Antichrist makes 7 year covenant with Israel; Rev 11:2-3; first 3 1/2 years
Dan 9:27b After 3 1/2 years Antichrist breaks covenant
Great Tribulation last half of 70th week; 3 1/2 years; 1260 days; 42 months
Dan 9: 27c Vision is consummated after second 3 1/2 years with Second Coming per 9:24b
Rev 19; Second Coming in glory with saints for Israel
Rev 20 Millennial Kingdom on Earth; Great White Throne Judgment for unbelievers
Rev 21-22 eternity; new earth