1 Timothy 1-3, VBCBI, Russell Kely
2nd year, 1st semester
1. 1:1 Does the word “commandment” always refer to the Ten Commandments?
2. 1:1 To what is the phrase “God our Father” unique (limited)?
3. 1:3 What did Paul charge Timothy to do at Ephesus?
4. 1:4 Which church today studies genealogies in order to be baptized for their dead relatives?
5. 1:5 What is the goal of Paul (and Jesus) to produce in believers?
6. 1:7 What does a “desire to be teachers of the law” imply?
7. 1:8-11 What does the “glorious gospel” teach believers about the current function of the law?
8. 1:16 What word in this text confirms “Christ is the guide for Christian living.”
9. 2:1-2 What do these verses tell us about Paul?
10. 2:4 What does this verse do to the “limited atonement” of Calvinism?
11. 2:5 What does this verse do to the Catholic doctrine of papal and priestly intercession and the confessional?
12. 2:6 Why would Christ die as a ransom for all if He only intended to save a few? He would not. List three churches which teach Limited Atonement:
13. 2:8 Did God command us to lift our hands while we are praying?
14. 2:9 Did God command that women should not braid their hair or wea jewelry of gold and silver?
15. 2:11-14 Why did Paul teach women to be in subject to their husbands?
16.2:15 The wife is not less than the man. With unfeigned (real) faith the woman will be saved ….
17. 3:1-2 What are the titlea of church officers in the Bible?
18. 3:2 What interpretation are given to “husband of one wife”?
19. 3:4-5 Does disorderly children disqualify a candidate?
20. 3:7 Must a candidate for bishop/elder have a good reputation from non-church members?
21. 3:8 Why was wine more tolerable during the first century than today..
22. 3:1-10 Sum up the qualifications of church officers in a few words.
23. 3:11 What does this text imply about women church bishops and deacons?
24. 3:2, 13 Does the Bible authorize unmarried church officers?
25. 3:16 What is a pronoun antecedent?
What is the controversy over this verse?
1 Timothy (2x), Titus (3x), Jude (1x)
Make sure no other doctrine was taught.
Mormons, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Love out of a pure heart and genuine faith
They did not understand the gospel.
It is good, but it is not the guide for Christians — Christ is.
He had no prejudice
It contradicts it; see also Romans 10:13
Is contradicts them.
Catholic, Lutheran, Presbyterian
Because the Bible teaches it.
in the same manner as the man. See 1:5.
Bishop, elder
Clarke: married, not a polygamist; Barnes: polygamist; JFB: cannot remarry; Zodiahates: one wife at a time
The water was polluted and wine was not very fermented
Decent, well-rounded, faithful, proven.
Person which precedes the prohoun. There is pronoun antecedent; therefore “he who” in modern versions is wrong.