2 Thessalonians, VBCBI,
Teacher: Dr. Russell E Kelly, 2nd year, 1st sem
1. 1:4 The church was still enduring _________ and ______________.
2. 1:5-6 Your suffering is a token that God will recompense your persecutors with even more ___________.
3. 1:7-8 When Christ returns (in glory at the end of the Great Tribulation) with ____ ______ _______, He will punish ____________with __________ ______.
4. 1:9 Hell is _____________ ___________ from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power.
5. 2:1 [Knowing the truth of the __________ of our Lord (for His Church) will comfort the Thessalonians.
“our gathering together”
6. 2:2 [False doctrine was being spread by]
“spirit” refers to __________ __________
7. “word” refers to _________ _________
8. “letter” refers to ________ ____ ______
9. “the day of Christ” refers to _______ __________ ____ _______.
10. 2:3 Which signs must occur before Christ returns in glory with all his angels and saints? Signs first.
________ ________ refers to _________ _________.
11. 2:3 Who is the “man of sin,” the “son of perdition”? ________
12. 2:4 The “man of sin” is really Anti ______.
13. 2:4 The “man of sin” will sit ____ ____ ________ ____ ______.
14. 2:4 The “man of sin” will be worshipped _______ ________.
15. 2:5 [Forgetting that I previously told you _______ _________ has caused your confusion.]
16. 2:6 To whom, or what, does “that which withholdeth” refer? __________________
17. 2:7 What is the “mystery of iniquity”?
18. 2:7 “Iniquity” will go unchecked until
_____ takes him out of the way (as a restrainer).
19. 2:8 Compare 1 Thes 1:10; 5:9. After the [male] “withholder’s” _______ ________ is removed …
20. 2:8 … Antichrist will be un-masked when God’s _______ is evident to all. [The presence of worldwide ______ means the absence of the ________.]
21. 2:8 How will Antichrist be destroyed?
___ ___________ __ ____ ____________
22. 2:9-10 Antichrist will come with all __________all ________ ________ wonders (miracles) and all ____________ __ ______________
23. 2:10-12 Can those who have previously heard and rejected the gospel be saved at this time (of 2 Thess 2)? ________
24. 2:13-14 Can born-again Christians fall from grace? _______
25. 2:16 Believers already have __________ __________ and ______ through grace.
Answers 2 Thessalonians
1. persecution, tribulations
2. tribulation
3. his mighty angels, unbelievers, flaming fire
4. everlasting destruction
5. coming [paraousia]
6. false prophet
7. false report, gossip
8. false letter
9. Day of the Lord; The Great Tribulation
10. falling away; widespread apostasy (worldwide)
11. Anti-Christ; the little horn of Daniel 7, 8; best of Revelation 13
12. God
13. sit in the temple of God
14. as God
15. these things
16. The Holy Spirit (let: restrain) [prevent; gay]
17. Why does God not punish lawlessness?
Why did God allow sin to enter or exist?
When will God allow sin to be revealed as sin? And not masquerade as an angel of light?
18. God
19. restraing power
20. wrath, wrath, church
21. the brightness of his coming
22. signs; lying wonders; deceivableness of unrighteousness
23. no
24. no
25. everlasting, consolation, hope