HAGGAI (520 B. C.)

1. 1:1 When was Haggai written and under which ruling empire?

2. 1:4 What complaint did Haggai have with the people?

3. 1:5-15 What did God say their negligence of the temple caused?

4. 2:5-9 How was this prophecy fulfilled?

5. 2:14 By not putting God’s temple first, how did Haggai describe the Jews?

6. 2:23 How will Governor Zerubabbel be a sign (signet) that God’s prophecy will be fulfilled?

7. ZECHARIAH 1:1 What years are covered by Zechariah and under which ruling empire?

8. ZECHARIAH 1:17 In the context of a destroyed city, what does God promise?

9. 2:11 When God restores Jerusalem for the final time, will He also include other nations?

10: 3:8 Who did God promise Joshua, the high priest, that He would send for the final restoration of Jerusalem?

11. 4:14 Who were Zerubabbel and Joshua types of in this verse?

12. 6:1-5 Are these the same 4 horses seen in Revelation 6:1-8? What do they represent?

13. 6:15 What does this verse tell us about God’s time-table?

14. 11:12-13 Of what is this the price in Exodus 21:32?

15. 11:16-17 To whom might this shepherd refer?

16. How is Zechariah 12-14 similar to Daniel 2, 7, Isaiah and Ezekiel?

17. 12:1-3; 14:1 During the _____ ___ ___ ____ Jerusalem will be a burden to ­­­____ __________.

18. 13:7, 8; 14:2b _____ ________ of the people of the land will be removed, _____ of the residents of Jerusalem will be removed and its leader will be ________.

19. 14:3 Christ will return ___ _____. He will touch the _______ ___ _________ and it will split _____ to ______ and form a great _______,

20. 14:5 The remaining Israelites will flee to the _____. Jesus’ coming will be with all His ______ ______.

21. 12:4; 14:6, 7, 12, 13, 15 During the Day of the Lord wicked _______ and _________ will be punished. Invading soldiers will go ____, their horses will become _______. They will kill ______ _________ while their bodies will be __________.

22. 12:5-8; 14:14a The rulers of ______ will fight alongside the rulers of _______________ (and the saints) and ­­­­____________ the whole city.

23. 12:9 ___ ________ that come against Jerusalem will be destroyed.

24. 12:10-14 Israel will finally accept its ________ and _______ for crucifying Him. This will begin the ________ reign of Christ ____ ______ as God promised.

25. 13:1-6; 14:8-21 There will be a great _________ among Hebrews to begin the Millennium.



1. 1:1 Haggai was written in 520 B. C. to the returned remnant under the Persian Empire.

2. 1:4 They had built their own paneled houses and had stopped building the temple.

3. 1:5-15 The poor crops and bad weather were God’s punishment.

4. 2:5-9 God will keep his covenant made with Israel (2:5),

(1) the gospel message shook the entire known world (Acts 17:6),

(2) the “desire of all nations” which literally came to that temple was Jesus Christ,

(3) the presence of Jesus literally filled that temple with glory.

(4) the glory of the second temple was greater than the glory of Solomon’s temple.

5. 2:14 unclean

6. 2:23 As God’s servant, Zerubabbel is a type of God’s deliverer. Compare: Babylon is called “my great army” (Joel 2:25) and King Cyrus is called God’s “anointed” (Isa 45:1).

7. ZECHARIAH 1:1 Zechariah wrote between 520-487 B. C. under Persian rule.

8. 1:17 “I will yet choose Jerusalem.”

9. 2:11 yes

10. 3:8; 6:12 The BRANCH, a descendant of David. Compare Isa 4:2; 11:1; Jer 23:5; 33:15

Chapter 4 is symbolic about Governor Zerubabbel and High Priest Joshua being God’s special servants. 4:6 Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the LORD unto Zerubbabel, saying, “Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts.” Again, Zerubabbel is a type of Christ (4:7).

11. 4:14 The archangels Gabriel and Michael.

Zechariah 5 is highly symbolic language about God’s judgment of liars and those who swear falsely by His name.

12. 6:1-5 No. They represent the Omniscient Holy Spirit knowing everything that happens on earth.

13. 6:15 God will unconditionally fulfill His promises through the prophets, but the conditional timing may depend upon the obedience of His people.

Chapter 7:1-3 tells of a remarkable event when Persian King Darius sent emissaries to pray to YHWH in the Temple. Zechariah reminded the Jews of their recent sins and captivity.

Chapter 8 unconditionally promises restoration of both Judah and Israel along with other nations who see the LORD.

NOTABLE TEXT: 9:9 Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass.


Media-Persia: chapters 1-8

Greece: chapters 9-10; 9:1-8 Alexander the Great; 9:9 contrasts Christ with Alexander; 9:13-17 Maccabean victories over Greek Seleucids of Syria.

Rome: chapter 11; rejection of the Good Shepherd

Last Days: chapters 12-14


Zech 11:12-13 And I said unto them, If ye think good, give me my price; and if not, forbear. So they weighed for my price thirty pieces of silver.

11:13 And the LORD said unto me, Cast it unto the potter: a goodly price that I was priced at of them. And I took the thirty pieces of silver, and cast them to the potter in the house of the LORD.

14. 11:12-13 The price of a gored slave.

15. 11:16-17 antichrist

16. It is not chronological. It jumps back and forth between the events prior to the Second Coming of Christ to the Messianic Reign of Christ on earth.

17. Day of the Lord; all nations

18. two thirds; half; killed

19. 14:3, 4 in glory; Mount of Olives; east; west; valley

20. 14:5 valley; holy ones. “Saints” are “holy ones.” This probably refers to the unfallen angels, Christian saints from the rapture of the Church and O. T. saints who have just been raptured (caught up) in preparation for the Millennium.

21. 12:4; 14:6, 7, 12, 13, 15 Hebrews; Gentiles; mad; blind; each other; consumed

22. 12:5-8; 14:14a Judah; Jerusalem; recapture

23. 12:9 all nations

24. 12:10-14 Messiah, mourn; Christ; on earth

25. 13:1-6; 9; 14:8-21 revival; The remaining third part of Israel will be saved as they _____ _____ _____ _______.

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