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1. What are the dates for 1st Samuel?
2. Does 1st Samuel 1:1 sound like real history or tradition?
3. Where was the Holy Sanctuary located? Give tribe and city.
4. Who are the three main persons in First Samuel?
5. Chapters 1-3 What offices did Samuel hold and what did he have in common with Christ?
6. 4 all: What happened when Israel brought the ark to lead in battle?
7. 5-6 How did God kill Philistines who kept the ark of the covenant in their cities?
8. 7-8 How would a king’s rule compare to a judge’s rule?
9. 12:22 Why did God promise not to forsake Israel? Also Ezekiel 36:22.
10. What was Saul’s sin which caused Samuel to pray for him all night in chapter 15?
11. Which son of Jesse was David? (chap 16).
12. When event made David famous in Israel? (chap 17)
13. What is the second half of First Samuel about?
14. What does Saul’s encounter with the witch of Endor prove? (28:7)
15. What are the dates of Second Samuel?
16. What happened to David soon after Saul died? (2 Sam, chap 1)
17. Who were Abner and Joab?
18. Why are 2nd Samuel, chapters 5-6 important?
19. How is God’s covenant with David different from that with King Saul? (7:12-15)
20. What would have prevented David’s affair with Bathsheba and murder of her husband, Uriah? (See 11:1)
21. What were the consequences of David’s murder of Uriah? (12:10-11)
22. Why did Absalom kill his half-brother Amnon? ___________________________ What should David have done before the revenge killing? _____________________ (13-14)
23. How did Absalom wrest the kingdom from David? (chap 15-17)
24. How did David regain his throne from Absalom? (ch 18)
25. Why did God send a famine? (ch 21)
26. What do you think of David’s prayer in 22:21-25?
1. 1120 to 1010 B. C. From the birth of Samuel, the last judge, to the death of King Saul.
2. Real history. Tradition and fiction are not detailed about one’s ancestry.
3. Shiloh was 30 miles N of Jerusalem, 9 miles N of Bethel and east of the main road from Jerusalem to Shechem. It was the site of Abraham’s first altar. It was destroyed around 1050 B. C. by the Philistines.
4. Samuel, King Saul and David before becoming king.
5. Samuel was a judge, priest, and prophet. Like Christ, his birth was miraculous.
6. Philistines captured the ark of the covenant and Eli died when he heard the news.
7. Emerods in the secret places; hemorrhoids
8. In addition to a 4th political tithe on top of the 23 1/3% religious tithes, the king would take sons, daughters and a tenth of everything else.
9. For His name’s sake.
10. After God told him to kill all the Amalekite animals, Saul kept the best for sacrifice.
11. The 7th; not the firstborn.
12. David killed the Philistine giant Goliath
13. King Saul had many wins and losses against the Philistines and he was obsessed with killing David.
14. Whether Samuel or a familiar spirit appeared, it proves that Hebrews believed in immortal souls.
15. Second Samuel covers the time period between the death of King Saul around 1010 B. C. and the last days of David around 970 B. C. It is comparable to Fist Chronicles, chapters 11-29.
16. David became king of Judah from Hebron for 7 1/2 years. Saul’s son, Ishbosheth, ruled the remainder briefly.
17. Abner had been Saul’s leader of the army and Joab was David’s. Abner made decisions after Saul died and was killed by Joab.
18. David began ruling all Israel, captured Jebusi and called it the City of David, and brought the ark of the covenant to the city.
19. David’s kingdom and lineage would last forever, even if some were unrighteous.
20. He should have gone out to battle with his army.
21. God chose to forgive his sin and not put him to death as the Law required. The first child he had with Bathsheba died.
22. Amnon raped Absalom’s sister (his half-sister) Tamar; David should have punished Amnon.
23. Absalom did what David should have done; he sat at the city gate judging fairly.
24. Joab, David’s army commander, killed Absalom against David’s orders.
25. To avenge the Gibeonites whom Saul had slaughtered without cause.
26. Discuss.